Michael Normart
Michael Normart

I was a "Shoe dog" for over 42 years. I had the amazing good fortune to work with people like Blake Nordstrom & Tony Hsieh during that time. I learned so much about people and developing great teams that it was really fun for me.

But with most things come changes. Mine came February 2022. I decided to take some time off and do some soul searching ( or should I say "Sole" searching) and I got interested in the wine industry. I didn't want to just be in it though, I wanted to understand it. I decided to enroll in the certified Sommelier course by the National Wine School. I passed level 1 October 31, 2023 and Level 2 January 26, 2024. I Just completed the program April 15th and have my diploma for a Sommelier Level 3. I am a better person for it.

Transitioning from the fast-paced world of footwear into the nuanced realm of wine, I discovered a passion that I forgot I had. It's a journey of self discovery that unfolds at the intersection of craftsmanship, culture, and sensory exploration, where every bottle tells a story waiting to be shared and savored. "See | Swirl | Sniff | Sip | Savor". The best part of this industry is: “Wine is meant to be shared”. I look forward to sharing...

I recently updated my shoe blog to a wine review site where I review wines and have pairing suggestions. I have a weekly blog that I share here as well and I share my recipes from my Friday Night Steak Nights too.

Check it out an hit the subscribe button:


Medium member since April 2020