My night in a Chinese hospital

My Journey in the Footwear Industry that lead me to Zappos #225

Michael Normart
4 min readSep 15, 2021

Blog # 224 I talked about when Zappos creates the offer during NHT. In this blog I want to talk about My night in a Chinese Hospital.

I mentioned In the last blog I was going to go to my favorite restaurant in the hotel even though I was by myself. I went to the Teppanyaki restaurant where they cook in front of you at the table. I had been there countless times so was looking forward to some nice lamb and shrimp cooked at the table.

I had a nice conversation with the cook while she was cooking my meal for me. It was a slow night for them so there was no rush. Very relaxing. The food was put on my plate and even though it looked a little rare it tasted delicious… China is famous for under cooking meat and usually I send the steaks back to cook a little longer to be on the safe side. Since Lamb is best medium rare, I didn’t think twice about it.

After dinner I went to the bar and had a few drinks, but it also was a slow night there too, so I decided to go to bed early around 10pm. It must have been 3am and I woke up in a cold sweat. I mean I was freezing but my temperature was boiling. I was so sweaty the sheets were all wet.

