Time to Work on Me Now

Michael Normart
6 min readMay 18, 2023

Here is my Journey in creating e-commerce sites #271

In Blog 270 I Talked about Doggydaddyshop.com is born. In this blog I am going to talk about Time to Work on Me Now.

Many of us live our lives running from task to task, painfully aware that we aren’t taking care of ourselves as well as we should be or living in the moments. I knew I needed to focus on this myself, but it is hard to create these inviting moments for self-reflection and growth when you are struggling to keep up with work, life and family obligations; taking time out just seems impossible. Yet it doesn’t have to be this way — So I decided to act. I’m dedicated to helping myself break away from my daily routines so that I can start carving out those meaningful moments of reflection and focus on myself each day.

Working on me now

If you’re interested in self-improvement, the best time to start is always now. This means that if you want to make a positive change in your life, today’s the perfect day. It can be daunting when we hesitate about making changes for ourselves and wonder if it’s worth it or not; but putting yourself first is never wrong — taking ownership of your journey and path ahead will help lead you into a more fulfilling life. In this blog post, I’ll discuss…

