Weddings are great Team Bonding Events

Michael Normart
2 min readDec 31, 2020

My Journey in the Footwear Industry that lead me to Zappos #31

In Blog #30 I talked about why you Should Never Assume. In this blog I want to talk about how Weddings are great Team Bonding Events

The Bay Area was my home now. Louis came up one week pretty close to a year out from his wedding . It was like old times. Since Rodders closing, Louis was focusing on his fireworks business and it was starting to take off.

All Nighter

We stayed up all night playing video games, catching up with each other and drinking lots of beer. He asked me to be an usher in his wedding in between Mike Tyson’s Punch Out and Super Mario Brothers.

I vaguely remember Diane getting up in the morning for work and we were still up playing in our boxers. Okay that might be embellished a little, but it makes for a good story. It was a great honor as I really liked him and his fiancée Tracey.

The Wedding

Oct. 4, 1986, it was Louis and Tracey’s wedding day.Weddings are Great Team Bonding Events. Louis & Tracey’s wedding was a great time for all.

Tracey was beautiful in her wedding dress and the groom was very handsome in his black and white tuxedo. I was fortunate to be one of Louis’s ushers so I sat everyone in their…

